Friday, 31 December 2010

Before and After

I went for a run yesterday to see if the worst bout of man flu in history had impacted my fitness. I was quite shocked when I finished my mile route with no real effort needed. The only difference I noticed was in my legs... it felt like I was running through soup! But that will get better.

I've been doing alot of thinking about the Janathon over the last couple of days:
  • Will I finish it?
  • How hard will it be?
  • How will I feel at the end of it?

The final point made me think of before and after stats for the Janathon. I'm growing a beard at the moment and people want before and after pictures for that, so why shouldn't I provide stats for myself before and after the Janathon? So here are a few stats which I'll re-measure in the beginning of Feb to see if they've changed.

Height: 6ft 4.5in (not likely to change)
Weight: 13st 3lbs
Age: 25
Feeling after running 1 mile: OK
Motivation to go running: almost none
General fitness: If I had to run away from a bear, I wouldn't be slowest

I'm aware that some of these stats are rather subjective and measuring ones fitness against the pace at which one can run away from a bear isn't the most scientific method ever, but if I measure by the same scale at the end, it will work out. Won't it?

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