Saturday, 1 January 2011

Happy New Year

Happy new year everybody. It was an unusually decent New Years Eve last night. Between wishing a girl happy birthday as well as Happy New Year (this is a novel experience everyone should try at least once), being little spoon to my drunk mate Iain (he sqeezes far too tightly) and listening to John throw up in the kitchen sink at 6am this morning, it was a thoroughly entertaining evening.

Now, if I were to put together the ingredients for a decent run, binge drinking, drunken New Year snogs (birthday girl for those of you who are curious) and 6 hours sleep would not be at the top of my list. But I signed up to the Janathon for a reason and quitting on the first day would be kind of pathetic. So with a complete lack of motivation and many, many yawns I set out of my run.

When I say run, it was more of a stumble around my standard mile route. It was tough and I never want to experience running with such a hangover again, but I was proud of actually going for a run and I'm proud that I didn't quit the Janathon on the first day. Although it was only a mile and I certainly wasn't trying to challenge Roger Bannister it was Confucius who once said: "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."

1 comment:

  1. Well done for not quitting on the first day! I almost did but redeemed myself by walking round the garden. It does count, honest...
