Thursday, 13 January 2011

I'm a scientician

My normal training routine for the Grim would be (pretend) to train in the months/weeks leading up to it and then rest for a week beforehand. However, this year I can't do that as I have to keep exercising for the Janathon. This meant I actually had to think about how to train and prepare for the Grim instead of just turning up. This meant I had to get clever. This meant I had to get scientific. This is going to blow your minds!

I've started reading quite a bit about running and with the Internet being as ubiquitous as it is, my trusty friend Wikipedia1 is always on hand.

A couple of days ago I was wondering if I might be over-doing it in the Janathon so decided to look into overtraining. It doesn't seem that likely in a month, but it did point me towards something that sounds awesome; Supercompensation. According to the article, the human body is an adjustable organism and when it comes to fitness the body will overcompensate for periods of reduced fitness (hence the name). Apparently this is a well known phenomenon in the fitness world2, but I'm a newbie so didn't know about it. As I didn't know about it, I got very excited. What doors could this open for my Grim preparation?

So here is where the theory gets put into practice. I would estimate I am mostly-recovered from major exercise after 2-3 days3. So, if I train hard 2-3 days before the Grim, I should hit the supercompensation period on the day of the Grim. So... with this new found knowledge, I planned to hit the gym hard today and then a couple of easy swimming sessions Friday and Saturday. Abanoning my plan of going to the gym before work due to tiredness (work, not the Janathon) I hit the gym hard at lunch. I rowed. I push up'd. I sit up'd.

I was quite happy with my workout and very hopefully optimistic that my 2 hour reading session of Wikipedia will help me run the Grim in a respectful time. I told you it would blow your minds!


  1. As everyone knows, if its on Wikipedia, it has to be true!!!
  2. My mate Dave (who I'm running the Grim with and has more experience with running that me) is adamant that Supercompensation is actually more commonly known as Tapering. I'm not convinced.
  3. Yes, I know Wikipedia says take recovery estimates with a pinch of salt. You may take mine with an extra pinch of pepper too.


  1. Hmmm... (sadly blogspot stripped my sarcasm tags around that, I guess they don't want to run the risk of sarcasm injection)

  2. Blogspot: the only website where geeky html tag humour isn't allowed
